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2004年03月23日 [長年日記]

_ [本]Blurb for "Hackers and Painters"


実はすっかり忘れてて、ホテルであわてて書き出した。 こんな感じ。

Since programmers create programs out of nothing, imagination is our only limitation. Thus, in the world of programming, the hero is the one who has great vision. Paul Graham is one of our contemporary heros. He has the ability to embrace the vision, and to express it plainly.

His works are my favorites, especially ones describe language design. He explain the secret behind languages, programming, and human nature, which can only be learned from hacker experience. This collection of his papers show you his great vision, and tell you the truth about the nature of hacking.

Happy Hacking.



shiroさんから「どこに出したら良いのかしらん」というコメントをいただいたので、 個人的に知り合いのオライリージャパンスタッフのアドレスを伝えておきました。

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