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2005年11月25日 [長年日記]

_ 英会話


自転車と車で接触したらしい。さいわいほとんどケガはないようだが、 警察の実況検分があるので、金曜夜に教会で行っている無料英会話教室には間に合わないようだ、とのこと。 で、私が行って鍵開けと連絡を頼まれる。

で、教会に行って、鍵を開けて、参加してきた人にひととおりのことを伝えて、 しばらく英語で会話する。


教会の英会話は本当に久しぶりだなあ。 勉強になった。

_ [Ruby] Entrevista a Matz



元々のインタビューはメールで行われ、 当然英語であった。その内容は以下の通り。

・ What do you think are the killer-applications written on Ruby nowadays?

Rails definitely. Although I don't use Rails at all, it is a good user bait. I hope users would eventually find usefulness of Ruby in other fields, such as text processing and system administration.

・ Ruby has made for sure programming fun again. Rails has made for sure web programming fun again. What do you think are going to be the next steps in "fun programming"?

Everywhere. From palm-sized computers to supercomputers. From embedded programming to bioinformatics. Programming should be fun always.

・ What do you think about new technologies such as Model Driven Applications? Do you think at some point there will be no necesity of writing code, but rather modelling the data and the processes only?

I don't buy them, not because they are not useful, but because writing code is too fun to abandon. People to avoid coding must not be enjoying their software creation.

・ Matz, you have achieved a lot in your life so far. If I still remember how to count, you're now turning 40 years old. Do you have any dream that you have not yet achieved so far?

Seeing my grandchildren, honestly. Besides that, I do want to see the world of ubiquitous programming, where we can program everything, and to see some influence from Ruby in it.

・ Your favorite quote?

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi

"if you name it right, you make it right." - Anonymous

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