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2004年08月17日 [長年日記]

_ [言語]pycore: Python on VisualWorks VM

RECONDITE - You don't tug on Superman's cape...」によると、あのL. Peter DeutcheがpycoreなるPython処理系を作成中らしい。

これは、PythonのバイトコードをVisualWorks(Cincom Smalltalk) VMのバイトコードにトランスレートするPython処理系で、レポートによれば、

  1. Radically improve the performance of many Python programs.
  2. Reimplement as many C-coded Python libraries as possible in Python while retaining acceptable performance.
  3. Be able to run any Python program (some possibly slower than CPython) that does not:
    1. Depend on libraries implemented in C that haven't been recoded in Python;
    2. Use some of the more arcane customization facilities;
    3. Depend on being able to manipulate 'int' and 'long' as separate types, rather than having the implementation choose how integers are stored;
    4. Subclass any of the built-in types (bool, int, long, tuple, list, str, unicode, and possibly others).


  • Recursive fibonacci function, 9x faster
  • Iterating over a large list of integers, 5x faster
  • Creating a list element-by-element, 2x faster
  • Accessing an attribute by calling a method, 2.5x faster
  • On the other hand, replicating a collection: (1000000 * 'x'), is 7x slower


しかし、Jython、IronPythonといい、Pythonは処理系が次々と登場する。 これは文法がシンプルなのと、ドキュメントがきちんとしていることによるのだろう。



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