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2006年06月01日 [長年日記]

_ [Ruby] Bitwise Magazine :: Ruby programming tutorial

Bitwise MagazineでのRubyの紹介。

Bitwiseについては「4月に紹介するからなんか一言」と言われていたのに、 ほったらかしにしてしまっていたのだった。 4月になっても出たという話を聞かないから「企画が没になったのかな」と 思っていたのだが、2ヶ月ほど遅れて登場した、ということらしい。



_ [Ruby] Bitwise Magazine :: Ruby Programming


Ruby programming's hidden treasure..? or a flawed gem..?

だそうだ。「Flawed」とは「偽の」とかいう意味だから、 「見かけ倒しの宝石(なの?)」という感じか。

まあ、「驚き最少の原則に反している」だの、 「全然シンプルな文法じゃない」だの、言いたい放題(笑)。


ただ、「驚き最少の法則」は私が言い出したことじゃないんだけどなあ。 まあ、いつものことだよなあ。万人が驚かない言語なんて不可能だってば。 私自身は口にしないようにしてから3,4年は経つと思うんだけど、 まだこんなこと言われるんだよなあ。

さて、こんなにけちょんけちょんにけなしているように見えるのだが、 最後にはほめられているようだ。

Huw: Look, in all this discussion, it sounds as though both of us have been picking holes in Ruby. Anyone would think we didn’t like the language. That obviously isn’t true.

...obviously, both of us must feel that Ruby is a pretty interesting language. Let's wrap this up by trying to pick out the features that appeal to us. For myself, I think I'd say that it's the combination of reasonably thorough object orientation with a lightweight syntax. In my experience, Ruby is the most truly OOP language I've ever used with the sole exception of Smalltalk. Now, I am not completely obsessed with OOP - but it seems to me that either a language should do object orientation properly or it should leave it alone. Having decided to go for OOP, at least Ruby has, unlike most other supposedly `OOP languages' done it thoroughly. And, unlike Smalltalk, it has a simple syntax and isn't weighed down by being embedded into a hermetically sealed world \u2013 the entire environment that Smalltalk is obliged to carry around with it. In short, Ruby is, in principle, a perfect Rapid Application Development language.

Dermot: I'd agree there. Ruby is one of the most interesting languages around - certainly, the most interesting that I've seen in a long time. It makes a pleasant change from the endless variations of the C syntax that seem to come out (C++, Java, C# and so on). I particularly like the fact that while it is indeed object oriented, you don't need to know that to do simple stuff: I think mixins are brilliant!


And while I complain about the syntax (I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’d like to do something unpleasant to Matz!), writing a parser for Ruby, as I've been doing, is a whole lot different from using the Ruby language itself to do something useful.


Now that's a strange thought - could Ruby be the new VB?


_ [Ruby] mandatory arguments after splat


def foo(a,*b,c)

のようなコードを実現した。ノードを変えちゃったので、 ripperやyarvへの対応が必要だけど、現時点ではほったらかし。


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